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Past Event

WIEGO in the Global Social Economy Forum (GSEF)

  • May 1, 2023 - May 6, 2023
  • Dakar, Sénégal
GSEF Dakar

Global Position Paper from Organizations of Workers in the Informal Economy ILC 110th Session – General discussion on Social and Solidarity Economy: English and Español.

About the GSEF

The World Social Economy Forum (GSEF) is a global network of local governments and civil society stakeholders committed to promoting the social and solidarity economy (SSE) as a path to a “different economy” for the benefit of all, and a means for empowering local development, centred on social and environmental issues.

A WIEGO delegation will take part in this year’s forum, where the discussions will focus on “Transitioning from Informal Economies to Collective and Sustainable Economies for our Territories.”

The programme has seven main themes: 

  1. Co-constructing public policies for collective and sustainable economies conducive to decent jobs for women and young people.
  2. Sustainable blue economy, preservation of artisanal fishing, creation of new sustainable jobs, and social and environmental protection.
  3. Collective and sustainable green economy for the territories, food self-sufficiency and its governance. 
  4. Solidarity and sustainable digital economy and smart territories.
  5. Financing collective and sustainable economies for the territories.
  6. Policy dialogue: national and local governments and key stakeholders in collective and sustainable economies for the territories.
  7. Social and Solidarity Economy and sustainable development: links between practice and research.

For programme details, click here.

Federico Parra, spécialiste de l’économie sociale et solidaire chez WIEGO
Federico Parra, WIEGO Social and Solidarity Economy Specialist.


At the GSEF, WIEGO will support the position of informal workers presented at the International Labour Conference (ILC) last year, including in discussions on the definition of the SSE and its role in overcoming situations of marginalization. The SSE is a pathway for a just transition, decent work and formalization. In the discussions on the SSE and formalization, WIEGO will highlight experiences from Senegal, among other countries, to show the potential of the SSE, as well as the challenges that SSE organizations face in realizing these objectives.

Learn more about WIEGO’s vision on the SSE: Q&A with WIEGO Social and Solidarity Economy Specialist Federico Parra

Find WIEGO’s stand at the Innovation Village.

WIEGO’s Delegation: 

  • Adama Soumaré – Coordinator, Focal Cities Dakar (Expert, Workers in public spaces in Dakar)
  • Federico Parra – Specialist on the Social and Solidarity Economy 
  • Maguette Diop – Project Officer, Focal Cities Dakar (Expert, Waste pickers in Dakar)

For media requests, contact Aïda Ba:


To learn more about WIEGO’s work:  

SSE and the informal economy

For a just transition and waste pickers’ inclusion in solid waste management

video thumbnailVideos:


To learn more about the International Alliance of Waste Pickers, visit:

An Inclusive Management of Public Spaces