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Past Event

WIEGO at UNU-WIDER Conference on COVID-19 and Development

  • September 6, 2021 - September 8, 2021
  • Online
Mexico City, Mexico (Photographer César Parra)

WIEGO at the UNU-WIDER Conference on “COVID-19 and development – effects and new realities for the Global South”


WIEGO is collaborating on a joint edited volume with the United Nations University World Institute for Development Economics Research (UNU WIDER) on “COVID and the Future of Informal Work”.  The three sets of chapters focus on: the impact of the pandemic recession on informal workers; what should and is being doing in the name of recovery from the COVID-19 crisis for informal workers; and the future of informal work, including implications for labour economics, labour regulations, social protection and a new social contract.

As part of the UNU-WIDER conference, WIDER and WIEGO organized two panels featuring selected chapters: 

The first panel, on the impact of the crisis on informal workers, was on September 7 at 17:15–18:00 Helsinki time (UTC +3) with Marty ChenMike Rogan, plus two other presenters. This panel was chaired by Kunal Sen of UNU WIDER.

On September 8 at 17:00–17:45 Sally Roever and Laura Alfers presented at the second panel, on recovery from the crisis for informal workers. Mike Rogan chaired.

In the closing plenary from 19:00–20:00 on September 8, Marty Chen, who is chair of the UNU WIDER Advisory Board, discussed how COVID-19 was changing development.

View the full programme

Photo: Street vendors in Mexico City, Mexico (Photographer César Parra)