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Our Impact

WIEGO’s work makes an impact on informal employment around the globe

We work with and support organizations of workers in informal employment. WIEGO is a network bringing together three constituencies: worker organizations, researchers and statisticians, and development practitioners.

Our mission is to improve their working conditions and to challenge the systems that cause poverty and inequality to build a more just world of work.

What Is “Impact” for WIEGO?We understand impact as systemic change in the work and lives of workers in informal employment, especially women.

WIEGO promotes change by improving the development of statistics and expanding knowledge, supporting global networks of workers in informal employment and workers’ organizations as they fight to influence local, national and international policies.

How Do We Measure Impact?

WIEGO cultivates a culture of learning to monitor and evaluate our activities in context, and identify and apply lessons to improve our research, advocacy and capacity-building work. While our learning focuses on WIEGO’s contributions, any impact is also, or mainly, attributable to others, such as worker organizations, researchers and policymakers.


Our Methods

  • Outcome Harvesting

    Outcome Harvesting has been WIEGO’s main monitoring and learning tool since 2018. Team members identify changes in behaviour in other actors and consider how WIEGO, alone or with partners, influenced those outcomes.

  • Impact Stories

    Using interviews and other sources, these narrative learning tools work backward from outcomes to understand how WIEGO contributed to changes over time, and how that can inform our future work.

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  • MLE Toolkit

    WIEGO’s MLE Toolkit supports WIEGO and our partners in aspects of our monitoring and learning processes. Some tools could be useful to other movements, monitoring and evaluation professionals, and others.

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  • Evaluations

    Some funders of specific projects require final external evaluations. These are also an opportunity for WIEGO and our partners to evaluate project outcomes and apply that new understanding to future work.

What Difference Do We Make?

The process of institutionalizing reflection helps WIEGO improve our research design, advocacy strategies and capacity-building support to the movement of workers in informal employment. Where possible, we share examples of what we have learned, as an organization that works in networks, in partnerships and in solidarity with others.

Celebrating success at the ILC

Featured Impact Story
“We moved mountains”: 7 winning strategies that influenced the ILC agenda

For 25 years, WIEGO and its allies have helped informal workers voice their issues at the International Labour Conference (ILC)—which influenced...

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See What We Have Achieved

WIEGO’s annual reports highlight significant milestones and achievements for each financial year. The reports also provide an in-depth look into the various ways in which WIEGO supports workers in informal employment.