Find information designed to help keep informal workers safer as they work during the COVID-19 pandemic AND information to assist informal worker organizations and allies in advocacy efforts.
WIEGO's Worker Education Materials
Common Demands of MBO Partners in WIEGO's COVID-19 Crisis Study
The organizations of informal workers which took part in the WIEGO-led 12-city COVID-19 Crisis and the Informal Economy study are calling for continuing relief, inclusive recovery and longer-term reforms for informal workers going forward. These demands, with concrete examples, has been categorized into a common framework. This “Summary of Demands” is intended to support these and other organizations of informal workers in their on-going struggles - their advocacy and negotiations - for a full and just recovery and for a “better deal” in the future for informal workers.
Statistics on the informal economy
The first-ever global estimates on the size of informal employment, published by the ILO in 2018, show 61% of all workers are informally employed. That’s 2 billion workers worldwide—whether self-employed, wage workers, casual day labourers or dependent contractors.
Informal employment as per cent of total employment by region (excluding developed countries)
Region | % |
Sub-Saharan Africa (excluding Southern Africa) | 92 |
Sub-Saharan Africa as a whole | 89 |
Southern Asia | 88 |
East and South-eastern Asia (excluding China) | 77 |
Middle East and North Africa | 68 |
Latin America and the Caribbean | 54 |
Eastern Europe and Central Asia | 37 |
Looking for the size of YOUR COUNTRY’s informal workforce?
Country data on informality are found at Appendix B, Table B1 (pages 85-90) in Women and Men in the Informal Economy, 3rd edition (PDF, 10Mb).
WIEGO has completed comprehensive data on informal workers in urban areas of these countries:
- Informal Workers in Urban South Africa: A Statistical Snapshot (2019) by Mike Rogan
- Informal Workers in Urban Thailand: A Statistical Snapshot (2019) by Wissanee Poonsab, Joann Vanek and Françoise Carré
- Informal Workers in Ghana: A Statistical Snapshot (2020) by William Baah-Boateng and Joann Vanek