WIEGO acknowledges the contribution of all informal workers and their leaders in this global crisis, and send our condolences to all those who have lost loved ones, colleagues and members during this difficult time
Fidelia Casetllanos
April 20, 1962 – April 15, 2023
The movement of domestic workers united with the loss of a warrior and sister of the movement. Fidelia Castellanos was a survivor of
gender-based violence at work and at home. She was a stellar organizer with a powerful smile and a sense of humour that helped
her overcome issues and fight for workers' rights in SITRADOMSA, Guatemala and around the world.
May she rest in power.
Luzvinminda Sabado (Jess)
Luzvinminda Sabado (Jess), a domestic worker leader in Macau, passed away on 25 December 2022. Jess was ODWU Hong Kong worker leader. Given her work, she was elected Treasurer of the newly formed PINAY Careworkers Transnational –an international federation of Filipino migrant domestic workers.
Jess was on leave during the Christmas holiday when her employer, who had got COVID, asked her to work and take care of their three children. Despite her sisters advising her not to accept the work, she did because of her love for the children. Jess got infected with COVID, and three days later, she passed away. WIEGO joins IDWF in mourning our sister and in fighting for domestic workers' rights.
"May Jess's spirit be with us bringing us strength and we stand to fight for our rights." –Fish Ip
Marcial Guillermo Pérez Herrera
Marcial Guillermo Pérez Herrera, or just Guillermo for the companions and companions of struggle and route.Those who were with him on this path say that he was in love with Wiego, aware of his activities, promoter of his ideals and promoter of his actions in Peru. A union leader in the 1980s and 1990s until the Fujimori government repressed the actions of the unions in the country, he returned to the classroom to work in his original profession: Teacher. But his love for just causes made him return to the arena of union organization, supporting workers in the informal economy. The 21st century found him training, educating and organizing those people who had to find a way out of the crisis and unemployment in self-employment, but with precarious right. Intelligent, charismatic, warrior, faithful to his convictions and with an incredible love for union causes, he was an individual member of Wiego and earned a place among us. He left this world on August 18, 2020, in the midst of a terrible global pandemic. It was not the Covid that defeated him, it was his heart - enormous to give love and strength- the one that after a serious illness told him "This is the end of it, Guillermo, we have to stop' Always in memory, always with us dear Guillermo.
Marcial Guillermo Pérez Herrera, o solo Guillermo para las compañeras y compañeros de lucha y de ruta. Dicen quienes estuvieron con él en este camino, que era un enamorado de Wiego, conocedor de sus actividades, promotor de sus ideales e impulsor de sus acciones en Perú. Dirigente sindical en la década de los 80 y 90 hasta que el gobierno de Fujimori reprimió el accionar de los sindicatos en el país, volvió a las aulas a desempeñarse en su profesión de origen: Profesor. Pero el cariño por las causas justas lo hizo regresar al ruedo de la organización sindical, apoyando a las trabajadoras y trabajadores de un "nuevo" sector: el de la economía informal. EL siglo XXI lo encontró capacitando, formando y organizando a esas personas que tuvieron que encontrar en el autoempleo la salida a la crisis y el desempleo pero con una precariedad en derechos. Inteligente, carismático, guerrero, fiel a sus convicciones y con un amor increible por las causas gremiales fue miembro individual de Wiego y se ganó un lugar entre nosotras. Partió de este mundo el 18 de agosto del año 2020, en medio de una pandemia global terrible. No fue el Covid el que lo venció, fue su corazón -enorme para dar amor y fuerzas- el que después de una grave enfermedad le dijo "Hasta aquí llegamos Guillermo, hay que parar". Siempre en el recuerdo, siempre con nosotros querido Guillermo.
Blanca Llerena
'All the women here are proud and strong…. The main thing here is to get empowered and fight for our rights—don’t ask for them but fight for them'.
Blanca Llerena González. was the General Secretariat of the Single Federation of Non-Dependent Workers (FUTRAND).
Simon Mbata
The National Coordinator for the South African Waste Pickers Association (SAWPA) and a recognized zero-waste champion representing organizing waste pickers in South Africa tragically passed on in a car crash. Simon was passionate in his demand for an end to the dehumanization of waste pickers and his insistence that all recyclers be respected and valued for their work and
contribution to the environment. He played a leading role in negotiations with the South African government and the private sector on a set of Guildelines for Waste Picker Integration, as well as on national policy on extended producer responsibility. His voice and presence will be sorely missed. Rest in power, brother Simon. Paving the Solutions Path to Climate. COP21 in Paris, 2015 The Parliamentary Committee on Environment in South Africa sends condolences to Mbata family "He was instrumental in assisting waste pickers to form cooperatives and ran awareness campaigns on the separation of waste in communities."
Roberto Castor
Roberto Castor was a street vendor within the public transport system in Santiago, Chile. At the age of eight, he started selling peanuts to the public until the drivers forbid him entrance as the floors would get filled with peanut shells. Starting at a young age, Roberto witnessed the transformation of the transportation system in his city. As part of the Sindicato Nacional de Trabajadores Independientes Ambulantes del Transporte y Anexos (SINTRALOC), he organized street vendors in the union to get recognition and permits from authorities to work without harassment. During the last years, Roberto was an influential voice and beloved by everyone in SINTRALOC.
Esther Kosi
Esther Kosi, is the former general secretary of the Domestic Service Workers Union (DSWU).
It's of great loss to the members of the DSWU, the International Domestic Workers Federation (IDWF), WIEGO, and the movement of domestic workers. Esther Kosi was among the first members of the Federation who played a big role in creating the domestic workers' network platform in Africa, in 2011. Through her leadership and activism, government authorities in Ghana heard domestic workers' voices and livelihoods
Comfort Doryon
Comfort was a fearless leader of street vendors in Liberia, who also served as a member of the International Council of StreetNet International. WIEGO worked for over ten years alongside Comfort and the organisation she established in Liberia, the National Petty Traders' Union of Liberia (NAPETUL), which became the Federation of Petty Traders' and Informal Workers' Unions of Liberia (FEPTIWUL). As well as supporting the work of FEPTIWUL in Liberia, through projects with Realising Rights, the Solidarity Centre and the Cities Alliance, we were also fortunate to work with Comfort at a number of international conferences. Some of you will remember her from delegations to the International Labour Conferences and others from World Urban Forums and the Habitat III conference. She was a strong leader, wise and thoughtful, and it is thanks in large part to Comfort that there is a memorandum of understanding in Monrovia between FEPTIWUL and the City Corporation regarding the regulated use of public space for vending. She was fierce in speaking up for the rights of street vendors whether at home in Monrovia or on a global platform in Quito or Geneva and I can't quite believe that she's gone.
Labhuben Thakkar
Labhuben Thakkar, was a former Managing Director of SEWA Cooperative Federation and one of the founders of SEWA Federation. Her contribution was remarkable and valuable for the cooperative movement in SEWA, supporting workers in different sectors and empowering women at all levels in organizing. Our thoughts are with the SEWA movement and with her family members.
Mustapha Coller
22nd December 1959 - 30th March 2020
Husband, father, colleague, activist, Mustapha Coller sadly passed from complications brought on by Covid-19 infection. He was 61 years old.
As Chairperson of the Western Cape Informal Traders Coalition (WCITC) he was actively and genuinely involved in the promotion and development of informal workers throughout the province. His contribution in highlighting the challenges and concerns of informal traders is well noted.
Jaime Montejo
We regret the death by COVID-19 of our colleague JAIME MONTEJO, activist and co-founder of the
Women's Support Street Brigade "Elisa Martínez", A.C., and collaborator of the Independent News Agency Noti-Calle, in Mexico City. Always by the side of sex workers, sex workers transgender, survivors of human trafficking and migrant women, Jaime was always a seasoned defender of human, civil and of this population, committed to the prevention of HIV, AIDS and ITS and community mobilization against human trafficking and sexual exploitation.With Jaime goes a friend who is honest, simple, helpful, humane, humble and loving, a fighting partner and a social leader.We will always remember the long working hours enlivened by their stories, photos and smiles in Bangkok, Buenos Aires, Cartagena de Indias, La Paz and Sao Paulo, among others.
Desde GAATW-REDLAC, Red de América Latina y el Caribe de la GAATW, lamentamos el fallecimiento por COVID-19 de nuestro compañero JAIME MONTEJO, activista y cofundador de Brigada Callejera de Apoyo a la Mujer "Elisa Martínez", A.C.,y colaborador de la Agencia de Noticias Independiente Noti-Calle, en Ciudad de México.
Siempre al lado de las trabajadoras sexuales, las trabajadoras sexuales transgénero, las sobrevivientes de trata de personas y mujeres migrantes, Jaime fue siempre un aguerrido defensor de los derechos humanos, civiles y laborales de esta población, comprometido con la prevención del VIH, SIDA e ITS y la movilización comunitaria contra la trata de personas y la explotación sexual. AMUMRA (Argentina), ASBRAD and IBISS / CO (Brazil), Corporación Espacios de Woman, Fundación Renacer and SINTRASEDOM (Colombia), ECPAT (Guatemala), CHS (Peru)
Ramchandra Mhasa Devkule 
Ramchandra Mhasa Devkule a member of Kagad Kaach Patra Kashtakari Panchayat. We last connected with him in April at the time of the KKPKP ration distribution to all waste pickers in Pune. Members of SWaCH continue to service properties and collect waste and honour the memory of Ramchandra, who will be remembered as the first waste picker to pass away from the COVID Pandemic.
Maria Quispe
Maria Quispe, from the Federación de Trabajadores y Trabajadoras del Hogar Remunerados del Perú, (FENTRAHOGARP) base SINTRAHOGARP Trujillo lost her battle to COVID19 on Monday 20 June 2020. Maria was a leader who worked for domestic workers rights in Peru and will be remembered dearly for her work, energy and strength.
Maria Quispe, de la Federación de Trabajadores y Trabajadoras del Hogar Remunerados del Perú (FENTRAHOGARP) base SINTRAHOGARP Trujillo perdió su batalla contra COVID19 el Lunes 20 de junio 2020. María era una líder que trabajaba por los derechos de las trabajadoras domésticas en Perú y será recordada siempre por su lucha, energía y fortaleza.