Labour at Informal Economy (LIE) is a membership-based organization that represents 2,865 workers who work as street vendors, waste pickers, home-based workers and agricultural workers in Bangladesh.

LIE is nationally affiliated with the Bangladesh Free Trade Union Congress (BFTUC) and is a member organization of the Bangladesh Occupational Safety, Health and Environment Foundation (OSHE) .

The principal mission of LIE is to promote and protect the fundamental rights of informal sector workers at the national level, specifically with regard to decent living and working conditions. LIE is registered under the Society Act of Bangladesh, and was established in December 2001; its former name was Self Employed Union (SEU).

LIE defends the rights and interests of its members, engages in organizing workers and advocates to the government to improve the rights of workers in the informal sector through national policy, legal coverage and social protection for street vendors,  waste pickers, home based workers and agriculture workers.

Labour at Informal Economy (LIE) is the national affiliate of the StreetNet International, intuitional member of WIEGO and member organization of Home Net South Asia.

Visit the website for the LIE affilliate, OSHE:

Contact: AR Chowdhury REPON, Chairman

Phone: +88-9032947-8



Labour at Informal Economy (LIE)
House # 19 (1st floor),  Lane # 1, Block # A, Section # 6
Mirpur, Dhaka-1216, Bangladesh