The League for the Rights of Congolese Women (Ligue pour le Droit de la Femme Congolaise, LDFC) was founded in 1999. LDFC’s mission is to foster the promotion, protection and defense of the rights of women and girls, and their goals include the following:
- encouraging women to know and defend their rights
- helping women to discover their potential and utilize it for their development
- supporting the target population in the creation and management of income generating activities
- promoting gender equality and respect for the individual in the workplace
- combating discrimination against people in the informal sector
- encouraging the participation of women at all decision-making bodies
- training and raising awareness about sexually-transmitted infections and HIV / AIDS
Previous activities have included the following:
- national campaign to promote access to justice for women
- organization of an awareness campaign on sexual violence and inheritance rights
- awareness campaign on police harassment
- day of information and exchange on the rights of children
- day of awareness and information on STIs / HIV AIDS
- strengthened professional and organizational capacity of waste collectors in economic values
- trainings on the following:
- how to lead and organize an association
- internal democracy in organizations
- negotiation techniques
- community communication
- concept of basic rights
- psychosocial service providers on gender-based violence
Contact: Angélique KIPULU KATANI, Secretary General
Phone: + 243 89 89 55 440 – 99 012 93 89
41, Avenue Colonel Tshatshi,
Quartier Maviokele, C/Kimbanseke,
République Démocratique du Congo