OHS Project in Peru

In Lima, the OHS project’s team – Anita Luján and her colleagues from the Consorcio por la Salud, Ambiente y Desarollo (ECOSAD) — and WIEGO’s Latin American Regional Advisor, Carmen Roca, hosted a national workshop on Occupational Health & Safety for Informal Workers in September 2012. Representatives of groups of waste pickers (recicladores), newspaper vendors (canellitas) and market porters (estibadores) that were involved in the research spoke on health challenges of workers in their sectors. The event signalled the start of more targeted multi-stakeholder workshops, platforms for dialogues and seminars aimed at policymakers. See OHS Newsetter Issue 6 for the complete story.

The OHS project also collaborated with WIEGO's Global Trade Programme in an Ethical Trading Initiative (ETI) food and farming project with a specific focus on the horticultural sector in Peru. Through its involvement in work with the Peruvian Horticulture supply chain, WIEGO, together with the IUF,  played a key role in arguing for a programme to improve working conditions for thousands of workers in the industry, most of whom are informal workers in formal firms on farms and in packhouses.