Domestic Workers in Latin America: Statistics for New Policies

Victor E. Tokman
  • Subtitle: WIEGO Working Paper (Statistics) No. 17

This paper analyzes domestic work, where the labour relationship is ill-regulated and difficult to control, and the conditions and characteristics make it hard to gather information needed to design and monitor appropriate regulations.

Domestic Workers in Latin America: Statistics for New Policies

This paper presents and analyzes the data available for Latin America, seeking to improve understanding of the situation and the needs of domestic workers in the region. Given the predominance of women in domestic services, differences for women and men are a focus of the analysis.

Data on the importance of the occupation and its main characteristics, as well as earnings, incomes differentials , poverty levels, and access to labour contracts are discussed. Social protection and immigration aspects are also considered. The concluding section summarizes the main findings of the analysis and highlights general policies that emerge from them.


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Informal Economy Theme
Informal Economy Topic
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