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Research Reports

Executive Summary – Informal Economy IEMS Monitoring Study: Waste Pickers in Belo Horizonte, Brazil

By , , , on July 01, 2013

This document shares results of IEMS research in Belo Horizonte with waste pickers from five cooperatives: Asmare, Associrecicle, Coopersoli Barreiro, Coopesol Leste, and

Resumen Ejecutivo (español) | Sumário Executivo (português) | Relatórios das Cidades - (português)

The Informal Economy Monitoring Study (IEMS) is designed to provide credible, grounded evidence of the range of driving forces, both positive and negative, that affect conditions of work in the urban informal economy in 10 cities over time. Specifically, it examines how informal workers are affected by, and respond to, macroeconomic trends, urban policies and practices, value chain dynamics, and other economic and social forces. Learn more about the Informal Economy Monitoring Study.

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Citation Information

Ogando, Ana C., Brito, Marina, Oliveira, Ângela R., and Dias, Sonia M. Executive Summary – Informal Economy IEMS Monitoring Study: Waste Pickers in Belo Horizonte, Brazil. , , . WIEGO, 2013. Ogando, A. C., Brito, M., Oliveira, . R., and Dias, S. M. (2013). Executive Summary – Informal Economy IEMS Monitoring Study: Waste Pickers in Belo Horizonte, Brazil. , , . Ogando, Ana C., Brito, Marina, Oliveira, Ângela R., and Dias, Sonia M. "Executive Summary – Informal Economy IEMS Monitoring Study: Waste Pickers in Belo Horizonte, Brazil." WIEGO, 2013, .Ogando Ana C., Brito Marina, Oliveira Ângela R., and Dias Sonia M. "Executive Summary – Informal Economy IEMS Monitoring Study: Waste Pickers in Belo Horizonte, Brazil." (2013). Ogando, A C, Brito, M, Oliveira, R, and Dias, S M 2013, 'Executive Summary – Informal Economy IEMS Monitoring Study: Waste Pickers in Belo Horizonte, Brazil', , , . Ana C Ogando, Marina Brito, Ângela R Oliveira, and Sonia M Dias, 'Executive Summary – Informal Economy IEMS Monitoring Study: Waste Pickers in Belo Horizonte, Brazil' (2013). Ogando A. C., Brito M., Oliveira . R., and Dias S. M. Executive Summary – Informal Economy IEMS Monitoring Study: Waste Pickers in Belo Horizonte, Brazil. . 2013. Ogando, Ana C., Brito, Marina, Oliveira, Ângela R., and Dias, Sonia M. Executive Summary – Informal Economy IEMS Monitoring Study: Waste Pickers in Belo Horizonte, Brazil. . 2013. , .

The WIEGO Research Library

WIEGO is at the forefront of developing statistics and research to help audiences understand the informal economy. Our library includes over two decades-worth of informal economy research, policy analysis, statistics and documentation of organizing efforts.