Informal employment and health status in Central AmericaBMC Public Health

María López-Ruiz, Lucía Artazcoz, José Miguel Martínez, Marianela Rojas, Fernando G. Benavides
  • Article Title: Informal employment and health status in Central America
  • Title of Journal: BMC Public Health
  • Vol #: 15
  • Issue #: 698

Background: Informal employment is assumed to be an important but seldom studied social determinant of health, affecting a large number of workers around the world. Although informal employment arrangements constitute a permanent, structural pillar of many labor markets in low- and middle-income countries, studies about its relationship with health status are still scarce. In Central America more than 60 % of non-agricultural workers have informal employment. Therefore, we aimed to assess differences in self-perceived and mental health status of Central Americans with different patterns of informal and formal employment.

Informal Economy Theme
Publication Type