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Research Reports

Labour and human rights frameworks promoting childcare for all workers

By , on March 04, 2020

This second policy brief on childcare for workers in the informal economy highlights the relevant international legal instruments, including both human rights frameworks and labour rights standards, supporting the realization of social protection – specifically maternity protection and childcare services for all women workers.

Workers organizations in the informal and formal economies can use these legal instruments as the basis for their demands for quality universal childcare provision.

This is the second of three policy briefs. WIEGO and ILO highlight both the urgent childcare needs of women workers in the informal economy and the demands for decent working conditions for childcare workers and domestic workers – most of whom are women working in the informal economy. 

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Citation Information

(ILO), International L. O., and WIEGO, International. Labour and human rights frameworks promoting childcare for all workers. , , . , 2020., I. L. O., and WIEGO, I. (2020). Labour and human rights frameworks promoting childcare for all workers. , , ., International L. O., and WIEGO, International. "Labour and human rights frameworks promoting childcare for all workers." 2020, .(ILO) International L. O., and WIEGO International. "Labour and human rights frameworks promoting childcare for all workers." (2020)., I L O, and WIEGO, I 2020, 'Labour and human rights frameworks promoting childcare for all workers', , , . L O (ILO), and International WIEGO, 'Labour and human rights frameworks promoting childcare for all workers' (2020). (ILO) I. L. O., and WIEGO I. Labour and human rights frameworks promoting childcare for all workers. . 2020., International L. O., and WIEGO, International. Labour and human rights frameworks promoting childcare for all workers. . 2020. , .

The WIEGO Research Library

WIEGO is at the forefront of developing statistics and research to help audiences understand the informal economy. Our library includes over two decades-worth of informal economy research, policy analysis, statistics and documentation of organizing efforts.