Making home-based work environments safer, healthier and productive: Case Study (2)

WIEGO, Mahila Housing SEWA Trust, City Collab

Citation: Herlekar, Vanishree et al., (2021). Making home-based work environments safer, healthier and productive: Case Study (2). Brief No. CS2. WIEGO

This brief is a part of WIEGO's documentation of Mahila Housing SEWA Trust’s (MHT) work to capture insights on their work that has had wide ranging impacts on the wellbeing and economic productivity of home-based workers. This is the second cross-sectoral case study brief which cuts across the various themes of MHT’s work.

Zarinaben’s forced eviction from the city forced her and her family to start their life anew on a small plot of land on the outskirts of Delhi. MHT assisted Zarinaben shift from a makeshift shelter to a house with reliable electricity connection, water services and an attached toilet. She has also worked for the welfare of her community and currently serves as the president of the only RWA.

Informal Economy Theme
Publication Type