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Registration: Key Concepts, Approaches and Strategies to Include Informal Workers

By on February 01, 2024

In this briefing note we review the current debates on strategies, challenges and opportunities regarding registration in the context of social protection. In the first part, we will present the key concepts, approaches and debates on registration and situating it in the overall social protection system. The second section highlights the basic registration strategies, including outreach and awareness. We examine on-demand, census sweeps and other methods using existing data. Then, we move into innovative approaches to registration, where we look at the challenges and opportunities of digitization and what we can learn from digitally enabled responses to the COVID-19 crisis. We conclude by exploring the challenges faced by informal workers to be included in registration systems and the different policies implemented to specifically register these workers.

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Citation Information

Afshar, Cyrus. Registration: Key Concepts, Approaches and Strategies to Include Informal Workers. WIEGO Social Protection Briefing Note No. 8, , . WIEGO, 2024., C. (2024). Registration: Key Concepts, Approaches and Strategies to Include Informal Workers. WIEGO Social Protection Briefing Note No. 8, , ., Cyrus. "Registration: Key Concepts, Approaches and Strategies to Include Informal Workers." WIEGO Social Protection Briefing Note No. 8, WIEGO, 2024, .Afshar Cyrus. "Registration: Key Concepts, Approaches and Strategies to Include Informal Workers." WIEGO Social Protection Briefing Note No. 8 (2024)., C 2024, 'Registration: Key Concepts, Approaches and Strategies to Include Informal Workers', WIEGO Social Protection Briefing Note No. 8, , . Afshar, 'Registration: Key Concepts, Approaches and Strategies to Include Informal Workers' (2024) WIEGO Social Protection Briefing Note No. 8 Afshar C. Registration: Key Concepts, Approaches and Strategies to Include Informal Workers. WIEGO Social Protection Briefing Note No. 8. 2024., Cyrus. Registration: Key Concepts, Approaches and Strategies to Include Informal Workers. WIEGO Social Protection Briefing Note No. 8. 2024. , .

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WIEGO is at the forefront of developing statistics and research to help audiences understand the informal economy. Our library includes over two decades-worth of informal economy research, policy analysis, statistics and documentation of organizing efforts.