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Technical Briefs

Waste Pickers and Carbon Finance: Issues to Consider

By on June 01, 2013

This Technical Brief clarifies the requirements for carbon finance mechanisms to provide an assessment of whether informal waste picker membership-based organizations (MBOs) in the global South can reasonably meet these requirements and the potential investments needed to successfully secure carbon financing.

This document presents information related to the feasibility of these MBOs accessing carbon finance through the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), the voluntary carbon market and the Green Climate Fund (GCF).

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Citation Information

Achtell, Ernest. Waste Pickers and Carbon Finance: Issues to Consider. WIEGO Technical Brief No. 7, , . WIEGO, 2013., E. (2013). Waste Pickers and Carbon Finance: Issues to Consider. WIEGO Technical Brief No. 7, , ., Ernest. "Waste Pickers and Carbon Finance: Issues to Consider." WIEGO Technical Brief No. 7, WIEGO, 2013, .Achtell Ernest. "Waste Pickers and Carbon Finance: Issues to Consider." WIEGO Technical Brief No. 7 (2013)., E 2013, 'Waste Pickers and Carbon Finance: Issues to Consider', WIEGO Technical Brief No. 7, , . Achtell, 'Waste Pickers and Carbon Finance: Issues to Consider' (2013) WIEGO Technical Brief No. 7 Achtell E. Waste Pickers and Carbon Finance: Issues to Consider. WIEGO Technical Brief No. 7. 2013., Ernest. Waste Pickers and Carbon Finance: Issues to Consider. WIEGO Technical Brief No. 7. 2013. , .

The WIEGO Research Library

WIEGO is at the forefront of developing statistics and research to help audiences understand the informal economy. Our library includes over two decades-worth of informal economy research, policy analysis, statistics and documentation of organizing efforts.