All posts in Asia & the Pacific
Livelihoods September 21, 2016“Our role has been to make the informal economy visible and give it validity”
Renana Jhabvala discusses the UN Secretary-General’s first-ever High-level Panel (UN HLP) for Women’s Economic EmpowermentRenana Jhabvala...
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Livelihoods August 31, 2016Child care for women informal workers proves essential to earning power
By Rachel Moussié Women’s economic empowerment is a central feature of development debates today. A key focus is the economic and social...
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Livelihoods August 29, 2016Achieving decent employment for all requires improving workers’ homes and livelihoods
WIEGO and Slum Dwellers International (SDI) are co-chairs of the Grassroots Partners Constituency Group of the General Assembly of Partners,...
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Livelihoods August 09, 2016How home-based workers in Ahmedabad formed a union to improve their lives
By Carlin Carr In the first of a series of photo essays from Women in Informal Employment: Globalizing & Organizing (WIEGO) Carlin Carr...
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Livelihoods July 04, 2016La dignidad reconquistada: Cómo las trabajadoras y trabajadores de fábrica tailandeses crearon una cooperativa basada en el trabajo digno
By Carlin Carr
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Livelihoods June 17, 2016Commemorating 20 Years of Landmark Convention for Homeworkers
Remembering a Postcard from Geneva and Reaffirming a Campaign Shalini Sinha, Sector Specialist, Home-Based Workers
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Livelihoods June 17, 2016Conmemorando los 20 años de la histórica ley internacional sobre las trabajadoras y los trabajadores a domicilio
Recordando una tarjeta postal de Ginebra y reafirmando una campaña Shalini Sinha, Sector Specialist, Home-Based Workers
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Livelihoods May 26, 2016Dignity Returned: How Former Thai Factory Workers Launched a Cooperative Based on Decent Work
By Carlin Carr
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Livelihoods April 27, 2016Five Women Informal Workers Share Their Challenges in Accessing Health Services
The poor face many challenges in accessing health services.
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Livelihoods April 27, 2016Cinco trabajadoras en empleo informal comparten sus dificultades para acceder a los servicios de salud
Las personas pobres enfrentan grandes desafíos para acceder a los servicios de salud. Sin embargo, las trabajadoras y trabajadores en condiciones...
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