All posts in Brazil
Gender and Waste Project September 12, 2019Photo Essay: Inside Efforts to Strengthen Leadership among Women Waste Pickers
WIEGO’s Organizing and Representation Programme and Urban Policies Programme works with waste picker organizations in South Africa and Brazil...
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Livelihoods September 12, 2019Cuatro estrategias para integrar a los recicladores y recicladoras en las ciudades del futuro
En el Día Internacional de los Recicladores y Recicladoras, Sonia Dias, de WIEGO, nos relata las experiencias que han funcionado y los retos...
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Livelihoods September 12, 2019Four strategies to integrate waste pickers into future cities
On International Waste Picker Day, WIEGO’s Sonia Dias tells us what works and the challenges ahead In recent years, waste pickers have made...
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Livelihoods September 12, 2019Estrategias para la negociación colectiva exitosa
Las organizaciones de trabajadores y trabajadoras* en empleo informal necesitan solidaridad, claridad y responsabilidad para conseguir victorias...
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Building Collective Power September 12, 2019Latin American Home-based Workers Celebrate Launch of New Regional Organization
Latin American home-based workers have taken an important step in creating a unified front to fight for their visibility and rights as workers....
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Livelihoods September 12, 2019Le théâtre et la chanson au service du recyclage : comment une ville brésilienne s’est y prise pour rendre populaire le recyclage et les travailleurs pauvres qui le réalisent
Par Carlin Carr
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Livelihoods September 12, 2019Cómo una ciudad de Brasil ha utilizado el teatro y la canción para popularizar el reciclaje, y a los trabajadores y trabajadoras pobres que lo realizan
Por Carlin Carr
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Livelihoods September 12, 2019Como uma Cidade Brasileira Usou o Teatro e a Música para Popularizar a Reciclagem – e os trabalhadores pobres por trás dessa atividade
Por Carlin Carr
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Livelihoods September 12, 2019Waste has Worth — and So Do the Women Working to Collect It
A step-by-step guide to building empowerment among women waste pickers By Sonia Dias and Ana Carolina Ogando Women across the globe share...
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Livelihoods September 12, 2019Working Poor Women are Redefining How to Achieve Gender Equality
For International Women’s Day, WIEGO is launching a month-long series to dive into the lives of women working in the informal economy. We...
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