All posts in India
Livelihoods June 05, 2018Audio: How Bangalore’s itinerant waste pickers transformed into “robust entrepreneurs”
WIEGO has a unique organizational structure — we are a network of membership-based organizations, researchers, and practitioners, all working...
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Livelihoods May 28, 2018Les travailleurs et travailleuses de l’économie informelle font marcher les villes pour tous : Thaïlande, Inde et Colombie, 3 comptes rendus éclairants
Valeria Gelman et Jillian Du Pensez aux stands de nourriture délicieuse en Asie du Sud-Est, aux artistes de rue en Afrique, au conducteur...
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Livelihoods May 27, 2018Workplace Violence and Harassment: Informal Workers Also Need Protection
By Karin Pape & Leslie Vryenhoek In city streets and markets across the Global South, street vendors have little protection from harassment,...
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Livelihoods April 23, 2018Local Governments Should Prioritize Health and Safety for Informal Workers
The deadly factory fire at Rana Plaza five years ago this week sparked global outrage about workers’ safety. The incident in Bangladesh prompted...
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Livelihoods March 26, 2018In Delhi, a Three-Pronged Approach Raises Informal Workers’ Priorities with Urban Decision-makers
Urban employment trends in India have defied predictions and stereotypes. Rather than being increasingly absorbed into modern, formal wage...
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Livelihoods January 26, 2018From Lima to Bangkok, WIEGO Lays Out Strategy to Improve Conditions of Informal Workers in Six Target Cities
By Jenna Harvey It is morning rush hour in Bangkok and moto-taxi drivers ferry hurried commuters through stalled traffic. In Mexico City,...
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Livelihoods January 08, 2018Quality Child Care is a Missing Piece of the Poverty-reduction Puzzle
A discussion with Mirai Chatterjee on SEWA’s holistic model and approach The Self Employed Women’s Association (SEWA) in India has been...
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Livelihoods December 27, 2017Five Blogs that Highlight Key Achievements for Informal Workers in 2017
The global movement of informal workers – led by worker organizations in Asia, Africa, Europe, and Latin America – made major strides this...
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Building Collective Power November 06, 2017Trabajadoras y trabajadores a domicilio de América Latina celebran la puesta en marcha de una nueva organización regional
Los y las trabajadoras a domicilio de América Latina han dado un importante paso con la creación de un frente unido que luche por su visibilidad...
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Livelihoods March 06, 2017Towards a Transformative Agenda for Women’s Economic Empowerment
By Jenna Harvey There is a growing global consensus that advancing women’s economic empowerment (WEE) is critical both as a matter of human...
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