All posts in India
Livelihoods March 01, 2017La protection des travailleuses et des travailleurs à domicile dans les chaînes d’approvisionnement mondiales : évaluation de l’approche fondée sur les droits
Depuis l’effondrement tragique des bâtiments du Rana Plaza au Bangladesh en 2013, les manquements au travail décent dans les chaînes...
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Livelihoods February 13, 2017Protecting Homeworkers in Global Supply Chains: Evaluating The Rights-Based Approach
Since the tragic collapse of the Rana Plaza buildings in Bangladesh in 2013, the decent work deficits in global supply chains have enjoyed...
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Livelihoods February 13, 2017Protección de los y las trabajadoras a domicilio tercerizadas en las cadenas mundiales de suministro: evaluación del enfoque centrado en los derechos
Desde el trágico colapso, en 2013, de los edificios del Rana Plaza en Bangladés, las deficiencias en el respeto de los derechos fundamentales...
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Livelihoods January 27, 2017Estrategias para la negociación colectiva exitosa
Las organizaciones de trabajadores y trabajadoras* en empleo informal necesitan solidaridad, claridad y responsabilidad para conseguir victorias...
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Livelihoods October 28, 2016Five Case Studies that Illustrate Steps Toward an Inclusive City
Creating “inclusive cities” is a hot topic right now. Habitat III has just wound up in Quito, Ecuador – the UN’s urban conference that brought...
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Livelihoods September 21, 2016“Our role has been to make the informal economy visible and give it validity”
Renana Jhabvala discusses the UN Secretary-General’s first-ever High-level Panel (UN HLP) for Women’s Economic EmpowermentRenana Jhabvala...
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Livelihoods August 31, 2016Child care for women informal workers proves essential to earning power
By Rachel Moussié Women’s economic empowerment is a central feature of development debates today. A key focus is the economic and social...
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Livelihoods August 09, 2016How home-based workers in Ahmedabad formed a union to improve their lives
By Carlin Carr In the first of a series of photo essays from Women in Informal Employment: Globalizing & Organizing (WIEGO) Carlin Carr...
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Livelihoods June 17, 2016Conmemorando los 20 años de la histórica ley internacional sobre las trabajadoras y los trabajadores a domicilio
Recordando una tarjeta postal de Ginebra y reafirmando una campaña Shalini Sinha, Sector Specialist, Home-Based Workers
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Livelihoods June 17, 2016Commemorating 20 Years of Landmark Convention for Homeworkers
Remembering a Postcard from Geneva and Reaffirming a Campaign Shalini Sinha, Sector Specialist, Home-Based Workers
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