All posts in Mexico City
Livelihoods September 16, 2020No hacer daño: Por qué el acoso a las personas trabajadoras en empleo informal perjudica la salud pública y la recuperación económica
Las vendedoras y vendedores ambulantes de la Ciudad de México están brindándoles alimentos accesibles, al aire libre, a las poblaciones con...
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Livelihoods September 08, 2020Do no harm: Why harassment of informal workers hurts public health and economic recovery
Street vendors in Mexico City are providing affordable food, in open-air settings, to food-insecure populations. Waste pickers in Accra provide...
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Los Rifados de la Basura Campaign
In Mexico City, thousands of people work daily keeping the city clean, collecting waste from residents and recycling reusable materials....
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COVID-19 Crisis Study April 10, 2020Les travailleuse·eur·s de l’informel sur le front de la COVID-19 : Fournir des services essentiels sans protection ni rémunération adéquates
Même si plusieurs travailleuse·eur·s de l’informel sont aujourd’hui considéré·e·s comme des « travailleuse·eur·s essentiel·le·s »,...
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COVID-19 Crisis Study April 09, 2020Esenciales pero desprotegidos: las trabajadoras y trabajadores en empleo informal durante la crisis
Actualmente, a muchas personas trabajadoras en empleo informal se las considera “esenciales”, pero ese no siempre ha sido el caso. Antes...
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COVID-19 Crisis Study April 08, 2020Informal workers on the frontlines of COVID-19: Providing critical services without adequate protections and pay
Although many informal workers are now considered to be “essential workers,” that was not always the case. Before the crisis, ongoing harassment...
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Global Advocacy and Negotiations December 16, 2019Looking Back at 2019: Informal Workers Demanded Change — and Won
In 2019, informal workers made some noise — in their home cities and at the highest global change-making bodies. They took to the streets,...
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Resumen Ejectivo – La situación de los derechos humanos de la comunidad recicladora en América Latina: un reclamo urgente por respeto a través de estándares internacionales
El objetivo de este informe es brindar argumentos y herramientas jurídicas que permitan proteger efectivamente los derechos humanos de las...
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Legal Empowerment September 22, 2019Mexico City Recognizes the Rights of Informal Waste Pickers
On July 15th 2016, Mexico City’s Human Rights Commission (CDHDF) issued Recommendation 7/2016, named “Omissions in Mexico City’s urban solid...
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Livelihoods September 18, 2019Mexico City’s Waste Pickers Gain Support of City’s Human Rights Commission
In August 2016, Mexico City’s Commission on Human Rights (CDHDF) issued the first-ever recommendation on waste management service to...
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