All posts in The Americas
Advocacy Materials
Social Protection Brief 1 English
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Social Protection Briefing Notes
WIEGO has produced a series of briefs to analyze the Social Protection Responses to COVID-19, drawing from WIEGO’s database of social...
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Panorama dos impactos da pandemia COVID-19 na reciclagem inclusiva no Brasil
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Overview of the Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Inclusive Recycling in Brazil
Reshaping our systems of inclusive recycling is important, with waste pickers an essential part of Brazil’s economy, write Sonia Dias, Ricardo...
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COVID-19 Crisis Study May 25, 2020Innovation et unité : Comment les travailleuse·eur·s à domicile s’adaptent au monde de la COVID-19
Les travailleurs à domicile sont parmi les travailleuse•eur•s les plus invisibles et les plus négligé•e•s du monde, et connaissent trop bien...
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COVID-19 Crisis Study May 11, 2020Innovación y unidad: Cómo se están adaptando las personas trabajadoras en domicilio al mundo de la COVID-19
Las personas trabajadoras en domicilio están entre las más invisibilizadas y descuidadas del mundo, y están demasiado familiarizadas con...
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COVID-19 Crisis Study May 11, 2020Innovation and unity: How home-based workers are adapting to the COVID-19 world
Home-based workers are among the world’s most invisible and overlooked workers, and they are all too familiar with insecure earnings and...
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COVID-19 Crisis Study April 28, 2020In COVID-19 Crisis, El Sindicato Unico de la Aguja (SUA) in Uruguay is making masks
Conversation held on April 23, 2020 between Flor de Liz Feijoo (SUA General Secretary) and Laura Morillo (ORP WIEGO). All images and videos...
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Los Rifados de la Basura Campaign
In Mexico City, thousands of people work daily keeping the city clean, collecting waste from residents and recycling reusable materials....
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COVID-19 Crisis Study April 10, 2020Les travailleuse·eur·s de l’informel sur le front de la COVID-19 : Fournir des services essentiels sans protection ni rémunération adéquates
Même si plusieurs travailleuse·eur·s de l’informel sont aujourd’hui considéré·e·s comme des « travailleuse·eur·s essentiel·le·s »,...
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