Annotated Bibliography: Child Care and the Informal Economy
This annotated bibliography has been produced as part of WIEGO’s Child Care Initiative (CCI). The CCI seeks to shift child care from the periphery of global social policy to the centre, so that it is seen as a core set of social services and as a core part of social security. There are two important caveats to this stated aim. The first is that the initiative is focused particularly on Africa, Latin America and Asia, the three regions in which WIEGO works most intensively, where levels of informal employment are high and where the provision of state-based services/allowances for working women with children has generally been considered less of a priority by governments than other development goals (Esplen, 2009). The second is that the major concern for WIEGO within the wider debate on child care provision is the relationship between child care provision and the ability of women, particularly poorer women, to engage in income-earning work and to improve their economic position.
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