Assessment of a SWM System: Social Impacts on Former Waste Pickers. Case Study: San Carlos City, Philippines
Summary: Solid waste represents a major problem in developing countries due to the lack of regulations and inappropriate management among others, thus calling for integrated Solid Waste Management (SWM) systems as a possible solution. San Carlos, a small city in the Philippines,implemented a SWM system to improve the environmental and health situation in the commune. However, the overall beneficial closure of the open dumpsite also meant the loss of the livelihood activities of many informal waste pickers. The government has recognized the skills of these people and hired some of them as workers in the new waste processing center, but the remainder was left without a source of incomeand employment perspectives.This research analyses the impact of the project implementation on the two groups through the Sustainable Livelihood Approach, in presenting the measures applied, the reaction of the affected groups, and the changes in their respective livelihood assets.
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