Characteristics of informal economy workers and their households: Concepts and measurement using household surveys
(Master's thesis) University of Natal, Durban, South Africa
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. Characteristics of informal economy workers and their households: Concepts and measurement using household surveys. , , . , 2003. (2003). Characteristics of informal economy workers and their households: Concepts and measurement using household surveys. , , . "Characteristics of informal economy workers and their households: Concepts and measurement using household surveys." 2003, .. "Characteristics of informal economy workers and their households: Concepts and measurement using household surveys." (2003). 2003, 'Characteristics of informal economy workers and their households: Concepts and measurement using household surveys', , , ., 'Characteristics of informal economy workers and their households: Concepts and measurement using household surveys' (2003). . Characteristics of informal economy workers and their households: Concepts and measurement using household surveys. . 2003. Characteristics of informal economy workers and their households: Concepts and measurement using household surveys. . 2003. , .