COVID-19 and Informal Work in 11 Cities – Executive Summary
Key findings include:
- Earnings for informal workers interviewed are still far below their pre-pandemic levels. By mid-2021, the typical worker was only earning 64%2 of her/his pre-COVID-19 earnings.
- Most respondents have not fully recovered their ability to work. The average number of days worked per week was only four in mid-2021, still considerably lower than the 5.5-day average in the pre-pandemic period.
- Home-based workers have been particularly hard-hit, especially subcontracted workers. In mid-2021, typical earnings of this group were only 2% of pre-pandemic levels, reflecting the depth of devastation in this predominantly female sector. Subcontracted home-based workers, who depend on orders paid by piece rate, were hardest hit among this group.
This summary is from COVID-19 and Informal Work in 11 Cities: Recovery Pathways Amidst Continued Crisis.
Also available: Long Economic Covid for Informal Workers - Infographic
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