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Journal Articles

Efficient lighting uptake among the urban poor: evidence from a Kenyan informal settlementEnvironment and Urbanization

By on July 01, 2016

This special issue on urban livelihoods was developed in collaboration with WIEGO.


Based on an original dataset of 651 households in the informal settlement of Kibera in Nairobi, Kenya, this article examines household electricity use, drivers of uptake and willingness to pay (WTP) for efficient compact fluorescent lamp (CFL) lighting technology. Informal and illegal electricity consumption, euphemistically referred to by residents as “electricity borrowing”, is common. This removes the metered electricity price lever upon which to influence consumer behaviour and demand for energy-efficient technologies. However, as this study demonstrates, the comparative durability of efficient lighting technologies presents economic benefits for uptake even in a context of fixed-rate electricity payments.

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Citation Information

Figueroa, Aurelia R. Efficient lighting uptake among the urban poor: evidence from a Kenyan informal settlementEnvironment and Urbanization. , , . , 2016. Figueroa, A. R. (2016). Efficient lighting uptake among the urban poor: evidence from a Kenyan informal settlementEnvironment and Urbanization. , , . Figueroa, Aurelia R. "Efficient lighting uptake among the urban poor: evidence from a Kenyan informal settlementEnvironment and Urbanization." 2016, .Figueroa Aurelia R. "Efficient lighting uptake among the urban poor: evidence from a Kenyan informal settlementEnvironment and Urbanization." (2016). Figueroa, A R 2016, 'Efficient lighting uptake among the urban poor: evidence from a Kenyan informal settlementEnvironment and Urbanization', , , . Aurelia R Figueroa, 'Efficient lighting uptake among the urban poor: evidence from a Kenyan informal settlementEnvironment and Urbanization' (2016). Figueroa A. R. Efficient lighting uptake among the urban poor: evidence from a Kenyan informal settlementEnvironment and Urbanization. . 2016. Figueroa, Aurelia R. Efficient lighting uptake among the urban poor: evidence from a Kenyan informal settlementEnvironment and Urbanization. . 2016. , .

The WIEGO Research Library

WIEGO is at the forefront of developing statistics and research to help audiences understand the informal economy. Our library includes over two decades-worth of informal economy research, policy analysis, statistics and documentation of organizing efforts.