Executive Summary – Informal Economy Monitoring Study: Waste Pickers in Nakuru, Kenya
Recent statistics show the majority of workers in developing countries earn their livelihoods in the informal economy. Studies on the informal economy have provided theories to explain the persistence, characteristics and growth of informal employment. However, few have evaluated the grounded realities of work in the informal economy, and none have done so over time and across a sufficiently large number of sectors and cities. The Informal Economy Monitoring Study (IEMS) is a qualitative and quantitative study designed to evaluate the reality of these workers’ lives. With research conducted over three years in 10 cities, the IEMS aims to provide credible, grounded evidence of the range of driving forces, both positive and negative, that affect conditions of work in the informal economy over time.
This executive summary outlines key findings and policy recommendations for waste pickers in the city of Nakuru, Kenya.
Read the Full Report | Resumen ejecutivo (español) | Sumário Executivo (portugués)
The Informal Economy Monitoring Study (IEMS) is designed to provide in-depth understanding of how informal workers are affected by and respond to economic trends, urban policies and practices, value chain dynamics, and other economic and social forces. Learn more about the Informal Economy Monitoring Study.
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