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Research Reports

Extending Livelihood Opportunities and Social Protection to Empower Poor Urban Informal Workers in Asia

By on October 01, 2015

Empowering Poor Urban Informal Workers in Asia

Oxfam Great Britain, the Rockefeller Foundation and the WIEGO network joined hands to commission Lin Lim, a well-known Ma­laysian economist who worked for many years with the Interna­tional Labour Organization, to undertake a review of available statistical data, research findings and practical experience on the urban informal economy in Asia generated by the ILO and the WIEGO network, often working collaboratively. Our joint hope is that this masterful review of the informal economy in Asia by Lin Lim will serve to jumpstart and inform a programme of ad­vocacy and action with and for the urban informal workforce in several Asian countries, including Bangladesh, Indonesia, Nepal, Pakistan, the Philippines, and Thailand.

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Citation Information

Lim, Lin L. Extending Livelihood Opportunities and Social Protection to Empower Poor Urban Informal Workers in Asia. , , . , 2015., L. L. (2015). Extending Livelihood Opportunities and Social Protection to Empower Poor Urban Informal Workers in Asia. , , ., Lin L. "Extending Livelihood Opportunities and Social Protection to Empower Poor Urban Informal Workers in Asia." 2015, .Lim Lin L. "Extending Livelihood Opportunities and Social Protection to Empower Poor Urban Informal Workers in Asia." (2015)., L L 2015, 'Extending Livelihood Opportunities and Social Protection to Empower Poor Urban Informal Workers in Asia', , , . L Lim, 'Extending Livelihood Opportunities and Social Protection to Empower Poor Urban Informal Workers in Asia' (2015). Lim L. L. Extending Livelihood Opportunities and Social Protection to Empower Poor Urban Informal Workers in Asia. . 2015., Lin L. Extending Livelihood Opportunities and Social Protection to Empower Poor Urban Informal Workers in Asia. . 2015. , .

The WIEGO Research Library

WIEGO is at the forefront of developing statistics and research to help audiences understand the informal economy. Our library includes over two decades-worth of informal economy research, policy analysis, statistics and documentation of organizing efforts.