Family-Friendly Policies for Workers in the Informal Economy
This policy brief is an outcome of a collaboration between WIEGO, UNICEF and the ILO in advocating for family-friendly policies to protect and ensure social protection and care systems that are good for children, good for women and good for the economy.
The policy brief builds on UNICEF’s call to action for governments and businesses to redesign the workplaces of the future and enable parents and caregivers to give their children the best start in life, while boosting productivity and women’s economic empowerment. It also expands upon the ILO and WIEGO policy brief series: "Childcare for workers in the informal economy," which explores how universal, publicly funded and quality childcare services, with decent care jobs and as part of social protection systems, can improve the lives and economic security of women workers in the informal economy, support their transition to the formal economy and promote gender quality at work.
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