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Working Papers

The Ghana National Health Insurance Scheme: Barriers to Access for Informal Workers

By on September 01, 2013

Ghana’s National Health Insurance Scheme (NHIS) is an innovative attempt to extend social protection to informal workers, and, as such, it may hold important policy lessons for other countries where the informal economy is large and growing and where informal workers are excluded from existing social protection mechanisms.

Few studies have specifically focused on the impact of the NHIS on informal workers. This WIEGO Social Protection Working Paper is an attempt to fill this gap in the literature.

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Citation Information

Alfers, Laura. The Ghana National Health Insurance Scheme: Barriers to Access for Informal Workers. WIEGO Working Paper No. 30, , . WIEGO, 2013., L. (2013). The Ghana National Health Insurance Scheme: Barriers to Access for Informal Workers. WIEGO Working Paper No. 30, , ., Laura. "The Ghana National Health Insurance Scheme: Barriers to Access for Informal Workers." WIEGO Working Paper No. 30, WIEGO, 2013, .Alfers Laura. "The Ghana National Health Insurance Scheme: Barriers to Access for Informal Workers." WIEGO Working Paper No. 30 (2013)., L 2013, 'The Ghana National Health Insurance Scheme: Barriers to Access for Informal Workers', WIEGO Working Paper No. 30, , . Alfers, 'The Ghana National Health Insurance Scheme: Barriers to Access for Informal Workers' (2013) WIEGO Working Paper No. 30 Alfers L. The Ghana National Health Insurance Scheme: Barriers to Access for Informal Workers. WIEGO Working Paper No. 30. 2013., Laura. The Ghana National Health Insurance Scheme: Barriers to Access for Informal Workers. WIEGO Working Paper No. 30. 2013. , .

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