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Research Reports

Good Ideas from Successful Cities: Municipal Leadership in Immigrant Integration

By , on September 01, 2012

Summary from Cities of Migration:

Cities are uniquely positioned to learn from one another and to adapt and replicate good practice. Whatever the legal and jurisdictional framework, or differences in municipal responsibilities, cities around the world are accountable to their constituents and have a wide range of levers to introduce change – through policy instruments (equality, inclusion, nondiscrimination), as service providers (settlement, education, housing, police, etc.), as employers and diversity managers, and as the drivers of the local economy – from infrastructure and procurement to support for investment, entrepreneurship and small business incubation.

In Good Ideas from Successful Cities: Municipal Leadership in Immigrant Integration, we share nearly 40 international good practices from cities across Canada, the US, Europe and Australasia.

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Citation Information

Maytree, and Migration, Cities o. Good Ideas from Successful Cities: Municipal Leadership in Immigrant Integration. , , . , 2012. Maytree, and Migration, C. o. (2012). Good Ideas from Successful Cities: Municipal Leadership in Immigrant Integration. , , . Maytree, and Migration, Cities o. "Good Ideas from Successful Cities: Municipal Leadership in Immigrant Integration." 2012, .Maytree, and Migration Cities o. "Good Ideas from Successful Cities: Municipal Leadership in Immigrant Integration." (2012). Maytree, and Migration, C o 2012, 'Good Ideas from Successful Cities: Municipal Leadership in Immigrant Integration', , , . Maytree, and Cities o Migration, 'Good Ideas from Successful Cities: Municipal Leadership in Immigrant Integration' (2012). Maytree, and Migration C. o. Good Ideas from Successful Cities: Municipal Leadership in Immigrant Integration. . 2012. Maytree, and Migration, Cities o. Good Ideas from Successful Cities: Municipal Leadership in Immigrant Integration. . 2012. , .

The WIEGO Research Library

WIEGO is at the forefront of developing statistics and research to help audiences understand the informal economy. Our library includes over two decades-worth of informal economy research, policy analysis, statistics and documentation of organizing efforts.