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Budget Briefs

Informal Economy Budget Analysis in Greater Monrovia

By on August 01, 2017

In 2010, 49.5 per cent of people (72.0 per cent of employed women and 72.0 per cent of employed men) employed outside of agriculture in Liberia were in the informal sector, with a further 10.8 per cent in informal employment. Informal employment is therefore extremely important for the Liberian economy as a whole, as well as for the individuals and households who rely on the related earnings. This brief summarizes research that examines whether and how Liberia’s national government budget addresses the needs of informal workers, and of street vendors, market traders and waste collectors in particular.

WIEGO is grateful to the Cities Alliance both for the funding and technical assistance from the Liberia Country Programme that enabled this study.

This Budget Brief is based on the WIEGO Resource Document - Informal Economy Budget Analysis: Greater Monrovia, written by Aisha Nansamba.

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Citation Information

Budlender, Debbie. Informal Economy Budget Analysis in Greater Monrovia. WIEGO Budget Brief No. 7, , . WIEGO, 2017., D. (2017). Informal Economy Budget Analysis in Greater Monrovia. WIEGO Budget Brief No. 7, , ., Debbie. "Informal Economy Budget Analysis in Greater Monrovia." WIEGO Budget Brief No. 7, WIEGO, 2017, .Budlender Debbie. "Informal Economy Budget Analysis in Greater Monrovia." WIEGO Budget Brief No. 7 (2017)., D 2017, 'Informal Economy Budget Analysis in Greater Monrovia', WIEGO Budget Brief No. 7, , . Budlender, 'Informal Economy Budget Analysis in Greater Monrovia' (2017) WIEGO Budget Brief No. 7 Budlender D. Informal Economy Budget Analysis in Greater Monrovia. WIEGO Budget Brief No. 7. 2017., Debbie. Informal Economy Budget Analysis in Greater Monrovia. WIEGO Budget Brief No. 7. 2017. , .

The WIEGO Research Library

WIEGO is at the forefront of developing statistics and research to help audiences understand the informal economy. Our library includes over two decades-worth of informal economy research, policy analysis, statistics and documentation of organizing efforts.