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Journal Articles

Is Informal Sector Work an Alternative to Workfare Benefits? The Case of Pre-program Expansion and Economic CrisisReview of Development Economics

By on November 01, 2012

This article is included in a special issue of the journal which includes 11 articles focused on informality.


Abstract: Limited availability of workfare programs, limited unemployment insurance and a large informal sector are features of the Argentine labor market at the outset of the 2001/02 economic crisis. This paper tests the hypothesis whether informal work is an alternative to workfare participation before a large-scale program expansion took place. Results from the propensity score matching indicate that observable characteristics of informal low-income workers and current workfare participants are significantly different. However, within these groups, it is possible to identify subgroups with similar observable characteristics. This indicates that only a subset of the individuals sees workfare and informal work as substitutable alternatives.

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Citation Information

Khamis, Melanie. Is Informal Sector Work an Alternative to Workfare Benefits? The Case of Pre-program Expansion and Economic CrisisReview of Development Economics. , , . , 2012. Khamis, M. (2012). Is Informal Sector Work an Alternative to Workfare Benefits? The Case of Pre-program Expansion and Economic CrisisReview of Development Economics. , , . Khamis, Melanie. "Is Informal Sector Work an Alternative to Workfare Benefits? The Case of Pre-program Expansion and Economic CrisisReview of Development Economics." 2012, .Khamis Melanie. "Is Informal Sector Work an Alternative to Workfare Benefits? The Case of Pre-program Expansion and Economic CrisisReview of Development Economics." (2012). Khamis, M 2012, 'Is Informal Sector Work an Alternative to Workfare Benefits? The Case of Pre-program Expansion and Economic CrisisReview of Development Economics', , , . Melanie Khamis, 'Is Informal Sector Work an Alternative to Workfare Benefits? The Case of Pre-program Expansion and Economic CrisisReview of Development Economics' (2012). Khamis M. Is Informal Sector Work an Alternative to Workfare Benefits? The Case of Pre-program Expansion and Economic CrisisReview of Development Economics. . 2012. Khamis, Melanie. Is Informal Sector Work an Alternative to Workfare Benefits? The Case of Pre-program Expansion and Economic CrisisReview of Development Economics. . 2012. , .

The WIEGO Research Library

WIEGO is at the forefront of developing statistics and research to help audiences understand the informal economy. Our library includes over two decades-worth of informal economy research, policy analysis, statistics and documentation of organizing efforts.