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Journal Articles

The Informal Workforce and Public Policy

By on July 01, 2013

Videgaray - The Informal Workforce and Public PolicyWIEGO translated this article into English (with permission) from the original, published in Trabajo Informal, Este Pais, in July 2013.


The article explores informal employment issues in Mexico, where the phenomenon of the informal workforce is widespread. The issues and impacts are diverse.


How does the Mexican federal government view this and what can it do to deal with it? What solutions do current reforms propose? Este País invited the Secretary of Finance to discuss this topic.

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Citation Information

Caso, Luis V. The Informal Workforce and Public Policy. , , . , 2013., L. V. (2013). The Informal Workforce and Public Policy. , , ., Luis V. "The Informal Workforce and Public Policy." 2013, .Caso Luis V. "The Informal Workforce and Public Policy." (2013)., L V 2013, 'The Informal Workforce and Public Policy', , , . V Caso, 'The Informal Workforce and Public Policy' (2013). Caso L. V. The Informal Workforce and Public Policy. . 2013., Luis V. The Informal Workforce and Public Policy. . 2013. , .

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WIEGO is at the forefront of developing statistics and research to help audiences understand the informal economy. Our library includes over two decades-worth of informal economy research, policy analysis, statistics and documentation of organizing efforts.