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Research Reports

Key Considerations: COVID-19 in Informal Urban Settlements (March 2020)

By on March 28, 2020

This brief sets out key considerations for protecting informal urban settlements from the spread and impacts of COVID-19. There is heightened concern about these settings because of the combination of population density and limited infrastructure. This briefing discusses what is known about vulnerabilities and how to support local action. It can be viewed in conjunction with the Science in Humanitarian Action Platform (SSHAP) briefings on quarantine and social media.

This brief was developed for SSHAP by the Institute of Development Studies (IDS) with contributions from the Global Challenges Research Fund (GCRF) Accountability for Informal Urban Equity Hub (ARISE), the Asian Coalition for Housing Rights, the International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED), University College London (UCL) and the UCL/Development Planning Unit (DPU), University of Birmingham, University of Lincoln, University of Manchester, University of Warwick, WIEGO and York University (Canada). It was reviewed by colleagues at Anthrologica, IIED, University of Manchester, UCL/DPU, IFRC and UN-Habitat. The brief is the responsibility of the SSHAP.

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Citation Information

Action, Social S. i. H. Key Considerations: COVID-19 in Informal Urban Settlements (March 2020). , , . , 2020. Action, S. S. i. H. (2020). Key Considerations: COVID-19 in Informal Urban Settlements (March 2020). , , . Action, Social S. i. H. "Key Considerations: COVID-19 in Informal Urban Settlements (March 2020)." 2020, .Action Social S. i. H. "Key Considerations: COVID-19 in Informal Urban Settlements (March 2020)." (2020). Action, S S i H 2020, 'Key Considerations: COVID-19 in Informal Urban Settlements (March 2020)', , , . Social S i H Action, 'Key Considerations: COVID-19 in Informal Urban Settlements (March 2020)' (2020). Action S. S. i. H. Key Considerations: COVID-19 in Informal Urban Settlements (March 2020). . 2020. Action, Social S. i. H. Key Considerations: COVID-19 in Informal Urban Settlements (March 2020). . 2020. , .

The WIEGO Research Library

WIEGO is at the forefront of developing statistics and research to help audiences understand the informal economy. Our library includes over two decades-worth of informal economy research, policy analysis, statistics and documentation of organizing efforts.