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Journal Articles

Legal Recognition of Street VendorsYOJANA

By on December 01, 2013

Street Vendors in IndiaThe Street Vendors (Protection of Livelihood and Regulation of Street Vending) Bill that was introduced in the Lok Sabha on 6 September, 2013 is a landmark for protection of this important section of the urban poor.


Note: This is an article from the December 2013 issue of Yojana. To access the full journal, visit the Yojana website.

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Citation Information

Bhowmik, Sharit K. Legal Recognition of Street VendorsYOJANA. , , . , 2013., S. K. (2013). Legal Recognition of Street VendorsYOJANA. , , ., Sharit K. "Legal Recognition of Street VendorsYOJANA." 2013, .Bhowmik Sharit K. "Legal Recognition of Street VendorsYOJANA." (2013)., S K 2013, 'Legal Recognition of Street VendorsYOJANA', , , . K Bhowmik, 'Legal Recognition of Street VendorsYOJANA' (2013). Bhowmik S. K. Legal Recognition of Street VendorsYOJANA. . 2013., Sharit K. Legal Recognition of Street VendorsYOJANA. . 2013. , .

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