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Books & Book Chapters

Moments of resistance: The struggle against informalization in the city of Cape Town

By on January 01, 2010

This book chapter examines how trade unions have resisted neoliberal policies and the resulting informalization in Cape Town. One part of the union strategy adopted by the South African Municipal Workers‟ Union (SAMWU) has been to extend its membership to outsourced workers in informal employment in order to better represent the sector and build working class solidarity. The union has not rights to collective bargaining for outsourced workers who do not fall under the municipal workers‟ bargaining council. However, it does have mandate on organizational health and safety issues. SAMWU was also challenging the scope of the bargaining councils in order to bring outsourced municipal workers under the same collective bargaining agreement as the rest of the municipal workers.

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Citation Information

Jordhus-Lier, David C. Moments of resistance: The struggle against informalization in the city of Cape Town. , , . , 2010. Jordhus-Lier, D. C. (2010). Moments of resistance: The struggle against informalization in the city of Cape Town. , , . Jordhus-Lier, David C. "Moments of resistance: The struggle against informalization in the city of Cape Town." 2010, .Jordhus-Lier David C. "Moments of resistance: The struggle against informalization in the city of Cape Town." (2010). Jordhus-Lier, D C 2010, 'Moments of resistance: The struggle against informalization in the city of Cape Town', , , . David C Jordhus-Lier, 'Moments of resistance: The struggle against informalization in the city of Cape Town' (2010). Jordhus-Lier D. C. Moments of resistance: The struggle against informalization in the city of Cape Town. . 2010. Jordhus-Lier, David C. Moments of resistance: The struggle against informalization in the city of Cape Town. . 2010. , .

The WIEGO Research Library

WIEGO is at the forefront of developing statistics and research to help audiences understand the informal economy. Our library includes over two decades-worth of informal economy research, policy analysis, statistics and documentation of organizing efforts.