The organization of buyer-driven global commodity chains: How U.S. retailers shape overseas production networks
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. The organization of buyer-driven global commodity chains: How U.S. retailers shape overseas production networks. , , . , 1994. . (1994). The organization of buyer-driven global commodity chains: How U.S. retailers shape overseas production networks. , , . . "The organization of buyer-driven global commodity chains: How U.S. retailers shape overseas production networks." 1994, .. "The organization of buyer-driven global commodity chains: How U.S. retailers shape overseas production networks." (1994). 1994, 'The organization of buyer-driven global commodity chains: How U.S. retailers shape overseas production networks', , , . , 'The organization of buyer-driven global commodity chains: How U.S. retailers shape overseas production networks' (1994). . The organization of buyer-driven global commodity chains: How U.S. retailers shape overseas production networks. . 1994. . The organization of buyer-driven global commodity chains: How U.S. retailers shape overseas production networks. . 1994. , .