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Journal Articles

Positioning women homeworkers in a global footwear production network: How can homeworkers improve agency, influence and claim rights?The Journal of Industrial Relations

By on July 08, 2015

Abstract: This article analyses the position of women footwear homeworkers, using global production networks as a conceptual lens. Using qualitative data collected in India during 2011 to 2014, it illustrates the asymmetry of power between network actors and attests to the poverty, invisibility and lack of acknowledgement and representation characterising leather footwear homework. It represents leather footwear homeworkers as working from the margins of these networks, with weak links to most other actors in the networks. The paper interrogates how marginalised and informal workers might increase their agency and participation capacity in global production networks, and proposes that this can occur through support and organising undertaken by appropriate non-governmental organisations.

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Citation Information

Delaney, Annie. Positioning women homeworkers in a global footwear production network: How can homeworkers improve agency, influence and claim rights?The Journal of Industrial Relations. , , . , 2015. Delaney, A. (2015). Positioning women homeworkers in a global footwear production network: How can homeworkers improve agency, influence and claim rights?The Journal of Industrial Relations. , , . Delaney, Annie. "Positioning women homeworkers in a global footwear production network: How can homeworkers improve agency, influence and claim rights?The Journal of Industrial Relations." 2015, .Delaney Annie. "Positioning women homeworkers in a global footwear production network: How can homeworkers improve agency, influence and claim rights?The Journal of Industrial Relations." (2015). Delaney, A 2015, 'Positioning women homeworkers in a global footwear production network: How can homeworkers improve agency, influence and claim rights?The Journal of Industrial Relations', , , . Annie Delaney, 'Positioning women homeworkers in a global footwear production network: How can homeworkers improve agency, influence and claim rights?The Journal of Industrial Relations' (2015). Delaney A. Positioning women homeworkers in a global footwear production network: How can homeworkers improve agency, influence and claim rights?The Journal of Industrial Relations. . 2015. Delaney, Annie. Positioning women homeworkers in a global footwear production network: How can homeworkers improve agency, influence and claim rights?The Journal of Industrial Relations. . 2015. , .

The WIEGO Research Library

WIEGO is at the forefront of developing statistics and research to help audiences understand the informal economy. Our library includes over two decades-worth of informal economy research, policy analysis, statistics and documentation of organizing efforts.