Implementing ILO R204 on the Transition from the Informal to the Formal Economy: Lessons from South Africa’s Experience
The responsibility for implementation of the International Labour Organization’s Recommendation 204 concerning the Transition from the Informal...
Read MoreExtended Producer Responsibility (EPR) and Waste Pickers
This brief explores the challenges that waste pickers face with EPR and offers ideas for developing more inclusive EPR systems, based on...
Read MoreInclusive Public Space Planning & Design: Lessons from Asiye eTafuleni, Durban, South Africa.
This document reflects on the work of Asiye eTafuleni, a non-profit organization operating out of inner-city Durban, South Africa. Asiye...
Read MoreFormalization as Public Service Providers: Achievements and Obstacles for Colombia’s Waste Pickers
This technical brief provides an analysis of the process that led to the recognition and remuneration of Colombia’s waste picker sector...
Read MoreWaste Incineration and Informal Livelihoods: A Technical Guide on Waste-to-Energy Initiatives
This brief provides waste picker organizations, policymakers and practitioners with information about waste-to-energy initiatives, and solid...
Read MoreHow to Plan a Street Trader Census
Street traders represent one of the largest and most visible segments of the informal economy, yet the actual number of street traders working...
Read MoreMixed-Use Zoning and Home-Based Production in India
This technical brief critically assesses land-use zoning regulations, both generally and specifically in India, with particular reference...
Read MoreHow to Analyse Government Budgets from an Informal Economy Perspective
Budget analysis is a powerful policy analysis tool. This technical brief provides a guide to conducting an informal economy budget analysis...
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