Social Dialogue for the Transition from the Informal to the Formal Economy
“Drawing on case studies from around the world, this thematic brief illustrates how social dialogue, involving governments and representative employers’ and workers’ organizations, has, in different ways and at different levels, contributed to the transition to formality and the reduction of decent work deficits in the informal economy.”
Six of the 11 case studies in this Global Deal thematic brief are based on research commissioned from WIEGO. Jane Barrett, Director of Organization and Representation, worked with the ILO on the publication and provided research for case studies one, three, five, six and seven. Marlese von Broembsen, Director of WIEGO’s Law Programme, provided research for case study four. Gustavo Rinaldi of the University of Turin, Italy, was responsible for case studies eight, nine, ten and eleven.
The Global Deal is a multi-stakeholder partnership with the objective of addressing challenges in the global labour market to enable all people to benefit from globalisation. The fundamental purpose of the Global Deal is to highlight the potential of sound industrial relations and enhanced social dialogue to foster decent work and quality jobs, to increase productivity, and to promote equality and inclusive growth. The Global Deal welcomes a variety of different stakeholders to join the partnership. This includes governments, businesses, employers’ organisations, trade unions, as well as civil society and other organisations.
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