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Social Protection for Informal Workers: Trends and Changes – Social Protection Briefing Note No. 3

By on December 15, 2021

In this brief, we discuss the changes in Bolsa Família, the Brazilian cash-grant flagship programme, in light of the recent developments in social assistance stemming from the fallout of the COVID-19 crisis. The government has terminated the 18-year-old programme and replaced it with a new conditional transfer policy, Auxílio Brasil. The brief discusses the main problems of this new policy and the alternative paths that could have been followed to improve Bolsa Família in order to include informal workers.

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Citation Information

Afshar, Cyrus. Social Protection for Informal Workers: Trends and Changes – Social Protection Briefing Note No. 3. WIEGO Social Protection Briefing Note No. 3, , . WIEGO, 2021., C. (2021). Social Protection for Informal Workers: Trends and Changes – Social Protection Briefing Note No. 3. WIEGO Social Protection Briefing Note No. 3, , ., Cyrus. "Social Protection for Informal Workers: Trends and Changes – Social Protection Briefing Note No. 3." WIEGO Social Protection Briefing Note No. 3, WIEGO, 2021, .Afshar Cyrus. "Social Protection for Informal Workers: Trends and Changes – Social Protection Briefing Note No. 3." WIEGO Social Protection Briefing Note No. 3 (2021)., C 2021, 'Social Protection for Informal Workers: Trends and Changes – Social Protection Briefing Note No. 3', WIEGO Social Protection Briefing Note No. 3, , . Afshar, 'Social Protection for Informal Workers: Trends and Changes – Social Protection Briefing Note No. 3' (2021) WIEGO Social Protection Briefing Note No. 3 Afshar C. Social Protection for Informal Workers: Trends and Changes – Social Protection Briefing Note No. 3. WIEGO Social Protection Briefing Note No. 3. 2021., Cyrus. Social Protection for Informal Workers: Trends and Changes – Social Protection Briefing Note No. 3. WIEGO Social Protection Briefing Note No. 3. 2021. , .

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WIEGO is at the forefront of developing statistics and research to help audiences understand the informal economy. Our library includes over two decades-worth of informal economy research, policy analysis, statistics and documentation of organizing efforts.