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Books & Book Chapters

Trading Our Way Up: Women Organizing for Fair Trade

By , , on December 31, 2011

Trading Our Way Up: Women Organizing for Fair Trade

This book details the findings of the multicountry action research project Women Organizing for Fair Trade, funded by the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs through its call to action under Millennium Development Goal 3: Promote Gender Equity and Empower Women. The action research involved women producers and their organizations in seven countries, and was conducted from 2009-2011 under the direction of WIEGO's Global Trade Programme.

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Citation Information

Jones, Elaine, Smith, Sally, and Wills, Carol. Trading Our Way Up: Women Organizing for Fair Trade. , , . , 2011., E., Smith, S., and Wills, C. (2011). Trading Our Way Up: Women Organizing for Fair Trade. , , ., Elaine, Smith, Sally, and Wills, Carol. "Trading Our Way Up: Women Organizing for Fair Trade." 2011, .Jones Elaine, Smith Sally, and Wills Carol. "Trading Our Way Up: Women Organizing for Fair Trade." (2011)., E, Smith, S, and Wills, C 2011, 'Trading Our Way Up: Women Organizing for Fair Trade', , , . Jones, Sally Smith, and Carol Wills, 'Trading Our Way Up: Women Organizing for Fair Trade' (2011). Jones E., Smith S., and Wills C. Trading Our Way Up: Women Organizing for Fair Trade. . 2011., Elaine, Smith, Sally, and Wills, Carol. Trading Our Way Up: Women Organizing for Fair Trade. . 2011. , .

The WIEGO Research Library

WIEGO is at the forefront of developing statistics and research to help audiences understand the informal economy. Our library includes over two decades-worth of informal economy research, policy analysis, statistics and documentation of organizing efforts.