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Research Reports

Unlocking the Labor Force: An Economic Update on Cameroon

By on January 01, 2012

From a news article by The World Bank about this paper: "The labor market in Cameroon is characterized by a large informal sector, low-paying jobs, and low productivity due partly to the fact that the education system is not geared toward meeting the needs of the jobs market.   These are key highlights of the third issue of the Cameroon Economic Update, a publication of the World Bank’s office in the Central African nation."

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Citation Information

Bank, The W. Unlocking the Labor Force: An Economic Update on Cameroon. , , . , 2012. Bank, T. W. (2012). Unlocking the Labor Force: An Economic Update on Cameroon. , , . Bank, The W. "Unlocking the Labor Force: An Economic Update on Cameroon." 2012, .Bank The W. "Unlocking the Labor Force: An Economic Update on Cameroon." (2012). Bank, T W 2012, 'Unlocking the Labor Force: An Economic Update on Cameroon', , , . The W Bank, 'Unlocking the Labor Force: An Economic Update on Cameroon' (2012). Bank T. W. Unlocking the Labor Force: An Economic Update on Cameroon. . 2012. Bank, The W. Unlocking the Labor Force: An Economic Update on Cameroon. . 2012. , .

The WIEGO Research Library

WIEGO is at the forefront of developing statistics and research to help audiences understand the informal economy. Our library includes over two decades-worth of informal economy research, policy analysis, statistics and documentation of organizing efforts.