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Journal Articles

Unprotected Labour: What Role for Unions in the Informal Economy?

By on January 01, 2002

Articles include:

Informal work: From concept to action, by Christine Nathan

Informal work: Concept and definition
Work, law and the "informality" concept, by Dwight W. Justice
Union education for informal workers in Latin America, by Gerardo Castillo, Miguel Frohlich and Alvaro Orsatti
The challenge of the informal economy, by Emile Delvaux
Informal solidarity, yes! Informal exploitation, no!, by Mathieu Debroux

Forging alliances, developing cooperation
Organizing in the informal economy, by Dan Gallin
Cooperatives and unions - joint action for informal workers, by Mark Levin
Unions and the informal economy in Africa, by Mohammed Mwamadzingo
Unionizing informal workers in Ghana, by Nana K. T. Ghartey and David Kwabla Dorkenoo

Behind the informal work
The dark side of competition in microfinance, by Luis Bredow
Informal finance: Exploitation or empowerment?, by Bernd Balkenhol
The costs of informality: An illustration from India, by Ratna M. Sudarshan
Undeclared jobs threaten Europe's "social model", by Anne Renaut

Annex I
Conclusions concerning decent work and the informal economy
(90th Session of the International Labour Conference, Geneva, June 2002)

Annex II
Promotion of Cooperatives Recommendation, 2002 (No. 192)

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Citation Information

Authors, Various. Unprotected Labour: What Role for Unions in the Informal Economy?. , , . , 2002. Authors, V. (2002). Unprotected Labour: What Role for Unions in the Informal Economy?. , , . Authors, Various. "Unprotected Labour: What Role for Unions in the Informal Economy?." 2002, .Authors Various. "Unprotected Labour: What Role for Unions in the Informal Economy?." (2002). Authors, V 2002, 'Unprotected Labour: What Role for Unions in the Informal Economy?', , , . Various Authors, 'Unprotected Labour: What Role for Unions in the Informal Economy?' (2002). Authors V. Unprotected Labour: What Role for Unions in the Informal Economy?. . 2002. Authors, Various. Unprotected Labour: What Role for Unions in the Informal Economy?. . 2002. , .

The WIEGO Research Library

WIEGO is at the forefront of developing statistics and research to help audiences understand the informal economy. Our library includes over two decades-worth of informal economy research, policy analysis, statistics and documentation of organizing efforts.