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Books & Book Chapters

Walking the tight rope: Informal livelihoods and social networks in a West African city

By on January 01, 2002

This book is about processes of ‘informalization’ in the West African city of Bissau in Guinea-Bissau. It begins with a historical account of the way conditions of informality have evolved through the encounter of locally specific forms of informal relations with colonialism and the socialist era. This is followed by an analysis of how disadvantaged groups who rely on informal ways of provisioning are faring in the context of contemporary changes. The study looks at both the informal income-generating activities and the social networks that urbanites engage in to sustain their income activities and their consumption. It seeks to assess whether these groups are coping with these wider changes or are becoming marginalised from networks of assistance and from activities that provide sufficient incomes. The social relations pervading access to support and livelihood resources as well as the informal rules governing such access are in focus. Forms of regulation in the informal sphere are also discussed.

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Citation Information

. Walking the tight rope: Informal livelihoods and social networks in a West African city. , , . , 2002. . (2002). Walking the tight rope: Informal livelihoods and social networks in a West African city. , , . . "Walking the tight rope: Informal livelihoods and social networks in a West African city." 2002, .. "Walking the tight rope: Informal livelihoods and social networks in a West African city." (2002). 2002, 'Walking the tight rope: Informal livelihoods and social networks in a West African city', , , . , 'Walking the tight rope: Informal livelihoods and social networks in a West African city' (2002). . Walking the tight rope: Informal livelihoods and social networks in a West African city. . 2002. . Walking the tight rope: Informal livelihoods and social networks in a West African city. . 2002. , .

The WIEGO Research Library

WIEGO is at the forefront of developing statistics and research to help audiences understand the informal economy. Our library includes over two decades-worth of informal economy research, policy analysis, statistics and documentation of organizing efforts.