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Research Reports

Women Informal Workers Mobilizing for Child Care

By on February 01, 2017

Women Informal Workers Mobilizing for ChildcareWomen Informal Workers Mobilizing for Child Care makes the argument that maternity benefits and child care for women informal workers deserve attention both from within their organizations and movements and from local and national authorities. Using examples from Brazil, Ghana, and India of different child care strategies, the report discusses what actions MBOs can take to address their members’ child care needs. It concludes that quality child care improves women workers working and home lives and promises a better future for their children.


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Citation Information

. Women Informal Workers Mobilizing for Child Care. , , . , 2017.é-Mobilizing-for-Child-Care.pdf. (2017). Women Informal Workers Mobilizing for Child Care. , , .é-Mobilizing-for-Child-Care.pdf. "Women Informal Workers Mobilizing for Child Care." 2017, .. "Women Informal Workers Mobilizing for Child Care." (2017).é-Mobilizing-for-Child-Care.pdf 2017, 'Women Informal Workers Mobilizing for Child Care', , , .é-Mobilizing-for-Child-Care.pdf , 'Women Informal Workers Mobilizing for Child Care' (2017). . Women Informal Workers Mobilizing for Child Care. . 2017.é-Mobilizing-for-Child-Care.pdf. Women Informal Workers Mobilizing for Child Care. . 2017. , .é-Mobilizing-for-Child-Care.pdf

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