WIEGO Monitoring, Learning and Evaluation Toolkit – Tool #8: How to conduct an online participatory outcomes evaluation workshop
This tool is on how to categorise and analyse outcomes already harvested with informal workers in an online workshop using Tool 7, and how to use this analysis to discuss achievements, challenges, and strategy with the same participants. Tool 7 took you through how to support participants in a workshop to harvest outcomes:
- WIEGO outcomes – that is changes made by informal workers, Nets or MBOs that WIEGO has influenced directly, for example through a training or other intervention
- outcomes that those workers, Nets or MBOs in turn have influenced through their own actions.
In this Tool 8, the WIEGO facilitation team first categorises and analyses outcomes that were harvested in the Tool 7 workshop; and then in a second online workshop, you facilitate participants interpreting findings and identifying implications for improving their strategies, and potentially for WIEGO to improve your original training workshop.
The online workshops described in these two tools (7 and 8) aim to strengthen the capacity of participants in telling their stories and in analysing their influence and its strategic implications. Note: there are separate tools in the WIEGO MLE Toolkit (5 and 6), for doing this in a face-to-face workshop.
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