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Advocacy Materials

Street Vendors and Public Space: An interactive e-book

By on February 07, 2020


Through photography and text, this e-book offers an in-depth look at the important role street vendors play in cities, the challenges they face, and the solutions that can make cities more vibrant, secure, and affordable for all.  It also provides insights into how street vendor organizations and city officials have worked together to create inclusive public spaces and innovative plans

Street vendors face increasing hostility, harassment and eviction everywhere -- from the global South to the global North, from New Delhi to New York -- as neighborhoods and cities seek to “modernize” and “clean up”.

Public spaces are becoming increasingly privatized and contested, especially under right-leaning political regimes.

But in some cities like Monrovia and Mexico City, street vendor organizations and city officials have worked together to create inclusive public spaces and innovative plans that make urban areas more vibrant. The book also showcases special stories where vendors have fought for important legal and policy recognition in South Africa and India.

E-book cover

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From worker education to toolkits and position papers, workers need tools and resources to support them in negotiations, advocacy and more. WIEGO designs content to help workers in informal employment strengthen their organizations and secure their rights.