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Toolkits and Guides

Training Module 4: Enhancing Financial and Business Management Skills

By , on January 01, 2016

Training Module 4: Enhancing Financial and Business Management SkillsThis is the fourth in a series of seven training modules titled Developing Leadership and Business Skills for Informal Women Workers in Fair Trade.

(view complete list in the series)


This module focuses on enhancing financial and business management skills of workers, both cooperatively and individually, and has four main objectives:

  • To help the members of the womens' groups understand the importance of managing their money and understand how to gain access to financial resources.
  • To help the members of the womens' groups to understand how to keep good records.
  • To improve business sense in the activities of the womens' groups.
  • To help the members of the women groups to appreciate how to run their meetings and which records to keep for the meetings.

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From worker education to toolkits and position papers, workers need tools and resources to support them in negotiations, advocacy and more. WIEGO designs content to help workers in informal employment strengthen their organizations and secure their rights.